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I want to download this Dawn of War mod really bad. It looks fucking awsome
Okay before I put up the caption I'm just making this clear. This is not the last. part, this is just the end of the 53rd Kardian. Next up is from a HAZMAT combat team from the goevernement group known as Section 6 (the "suits" or "spooks" of the ERS) and I'll be doing other combat journals from the other four allied governement's armies and how they are handling Z-day. Lastly will be the origins of the cause.
53rd Kardian, survivng batallion. From the city's 500000 citizens only 2671 survived. From the 53rd's 1500 Marines 700 remain alive and uninfected. Out of the 15000 in the Eastern Kardian Division, 8669 made it off the planet. From the over 1000000 Kardian Colonial Army, 1/4 remains. The only word from the govenor's escort of staff was the screams and gunfire of them. The govenor is zombie chow.
In the spaceport there were 6 medium gunships left (each can hold 100 fully equipped Marines) and 4 heavy gunships (holds 500 Marines and 4 tanks). By 2130 we were off and moving away from this bloody rock. By noon tomorrow we'll be at the nearest ERS spaceport. We're off and safe, but deep down inside we know that this is only the begining.
edit: New page coming soon. The Red Republic's story is not a story of containment, but more of revealing.