
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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eightball6219's News

Posted by eightball6219 - July 8th, 2009

Day 5, 53rd Kardian. Our forces were routed to the troop transport and helped clear out all the undead. We've turned the ship into to temporary fort. The engineers are converting the HM-50 mechs into urban assualt APCs. We're going to send them out to rescue any survivors still trapped. There are still squads of Marines, MPs and civilians trapped out there and we need to get them out. The final plan is to get all to the city spaceport to get them off planetside. We've had no contact from the other Battalions on Kardian. 5th Colonial MP Kardian was responsible for the evacuation of the govenor and his staff, but they were in the center of all this mess. Probably got eaten.

Comic pt3

Posted by eightball6219 - July 6th, 2009

Caption: 53rd Kardian, Hotel Company. It's been two days since the uprising and...the attackers are what they appear to be. One of the medic teams was trying to cure a victim of the virus and died. They were just about to zip up the body bad when the corpse sprang up and attacked one of the medics, which became the same. The medic team relayed that we're fighting the undead! We couldn't believe it until I saw a 10-year old girl rise up, missing half her side and mercilessly attack her grieving mother. All i could do was put two rounds into their heads as command ordered. It's like something out of a movie or a nightmare.

The info came too late for the only Troop Ship on the planet, a small MkII Troop transport that was carrying virus victims and bodies to study to find a cure. All who had died or was dying rose up and attacked the crew, failing because of the armor, but in the panic a fire team shot off RPG rounds and hit the core, crippling the engines beyond minor repairs and sending it plummeting into the downtown area. This isn't how it's supposed to go.

Comic pt2

Posted by eightball6219 - July 5th, 2009

Here's what the caption says:

It's been three years since we drove back the NN and stopped the stolen SM-01 and things aren't any better. From the NN's last attack on the capital city of Kartian, civil unrest has begun in the chaos of reconstrution. To make matters worse, an outbreak of a deadly virus has come about and all attempts to get a firm disease control center has been met with failure with all the uprising. Police cannot get control so the 53rd Kardian has been called out with full armor escort not just for the ne medical units, but for infantry entering the city. Two recon gunships entered earlier, but there has been no contact from them.

The attackers have shown irrational behavior and serious cases of madness. Command has given out only one ordre pertaining to this: aim for the head.
I've heard that kind of command before. Was it from a movie?

Comic pic

Posted by eightball6219 - July 1st, 2009

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Bill Murray in this movie as awsome with Chevy Chase and Rodney Dangerfield

Have you been bested by your small Mammal today?


Posted by eightball6219 - June 24th, 2009

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I just saw this youtube poop and I gotta say this is the reason I avoid drugs

This right here is Face from that youtube vid. Face has been pushed aside for younger hosts and has had it. He has risen to take back what is his, but he'll fail

Trippy as fuck

Posted by eightball6219 - June 20th, 2009

Love the idea. That's all

Art Portal

Posted by eightball6219 - June 12th, 2009

So...I recently met this dude, naronic and he's basically another naruto douchbag. NARUTO SUCKS AND WHEN YOU MIX IT WITH SONIC, THEN YOU'VE OFFICIALLY BECOME THE BIGGEST FAGGOT OUT THERE.

So I made this in his dishonor, enjoy!

He never saw the Commando

Posted by eightball6219 - June 12th, 2009

I know I'm way behind here, but I had to do a post on these guys. A good friend of mine told me about this group called "No Cussing Club" founded by some faggot kid named Hatch McKay that is just a little squeemish about cussing so he won't let people hang with him if they cuss and wants us all to do the same. "Oh darn, I can't be in your club cause I called by a assclown". FUCK THAT!!!!

We all know that cussing is harmful to others feelings. Fuck-a-doodle-doo. These are natural everyday words and to try to censor them is a bitch move. Hey, whatever happened to freedom of speech? So you hate the B-word or the F-word. Don't say it and grow a thicker skin when you hear these words.

If there is any parents then listen up: kids shouldn't cuss, but at some point they're gunna. From the time they speak to the end of Elementary school you should use every weapon in the parent arsenal to prevent that (pepper, soap in mouth, grounding and the Old fashion fear monger: The Brass buckle belt. I hated that as a kid and it was the only thing that I really feared). When they got to Middle School, it's time to stop and let them slowly get used to it. They learn the basics, like hell, ass, damn and maybe bitch, you know anything uncensored on day time TV shows. As they get older then let them learn more advanced like shit, fuck and fag and then ways to use them together like, assclown, fucking shitface and so on. The last step is to let them learn what words of discrimination they can use (if you're white with no real ghetto friends then your options are down to just fag and faggot. Any others come at the price of a ass whooping). It's your parental job know to enforce when they can say these ords, which is usually when no one important is around.

To keep cussing out of their lives is to let them grow up as soft little piles of shit. Don't let that happen. The real world is full of these words and when they get into a dissing match, what will they use? Poophead? Monkeyface? Ho about: they're now a complete embarrassment. Cussing is truely not a awfull thing. It needs some restriction, but not a eradication.

This No Cussing Club has to be one of the most faggiest things ever and it's right there with Fire Island and the San Francisco gay pride rally. Apparently that Hatch guy is dead. If he is, oh well (don't mean to sound cruel, but he's just another one of those pointless school assembly teams that use rap and other popular gimmicks and make them 'kid-friendly' to try to get attention). Also this organization has some of the worst examples for members. For example: Hulk Hogan. Hey great idea. Get a Pro Wrestler that probably did roids to talk about not cussing. Here's another, ask Samuel Jackson and Lewis Black to sponsor you guys.

On a closing remark, I'd like to say:


Posted by eightball6219 - June 11th, 2009

I tweeked my last picture to make it more for the Brotherhood as a whole as a detachment walks from the DC ruins. The tank is a old M60 that i figured would be more appropriate to the setup

For BROTHERHOOD ONLY: Rabid-Monkey101 wants to know if any other Brotherhood owns or plays Counter-Strike.

PIC revised

Posted by eightball6219 - June 9th, 2009

So I've been working on this and hopefully by tomorrow I'll have it colored. Also I got a friend of mine working on the Flash, cause he actually understands that kind of stuff (I suck at computers).

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Also, for you citizens of the Colbert Nation, Stephen Colbert made his broadcast in Iraq for the troops last night and man what a show! The show took place in one of Saddam's old Palaces (I believe it was transalted as the Palace of Water) and showed up in a suit made from Army Camo. General Odieno (Commander of the multi national forces in Iraq) and President Obama made debues on the show and Obama ordered the shaving of Colbert's hair in order to make him a proper soldier (he did Army training in Ft Jackson as seen on the show).

To put it simple, Operation Iraqi Stephen: Going Commando is going strong, Stephen Strong: Army of Me.