
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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eightball6219's News

Posted by eightball6219 - October 18th, 2009

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Okay so maybe I decided to tackle a too big of a project while trying to get through engineering so...instead I'll be working on a smaller pic. It's not so much the drawing, but the coloring on the computer that takes up all that time, plus my computer is a piece of shit.

Also I recently joined a Gamer Clan, the MEA. They seem legit with over 16000. I'm doing it more for fun than reconigition. Whatever.

Here's the Spy

THat pic.

Posted by eightball6219 - October 2nd, 2009

So I finally got my scanner to work again and with the help of tutorials by Wavechan and ZeWitchkid's advice I'm working on a new pic. I'm putting up the drath. Tell me what you think!

New pic in progress

Posted by eightball6219 - September 26th, 2009

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This is a game to get. One that will be a favorite of Halo and Call of Duty fans. Since you are no longer are a Spartan Super Soldier you no longer have the shield safety net or armor to protect from large falls and a motion tracker. To compensate you have a nice HUD dispaly that logs into the city's Supernitendent program that gives you a 3-D model of the city with clear points on where ammo catches are and enemies. The front display highlights ammo, enemies (including invisibles), friendlies and extras. Since being a human you have limits like no more dual-weilding, extra grenades a Call of Duty 4 health feel. You have a health bar, but that can only be drained when your Stamina goes down (Stamina can only be gained back when you get out of harms way and get into cover). There is plenty of health packets around and they respond after every mission so there's no way yo run out.

Interactions with enemies and friendlies have changed. Since you are no longer a Spartan, taking down a Brute is harder. It takes longer to beat them down so you relay on new methods, such as using plasma pistols and needlers more. Friendlies no longer see you as the humanities last hope, but as a regular jackoff, but that means the enemies won't attack you because you aren't the "Demon" and prime enemy of the Covenant. Less attention from the enemy means easier to flank them.

All in all it's fun. The story is kinda short, but fun (especially the sandbox theme level) and firefight makes it all fun. It's way better than "Horde" on Gears 2 becasue of the challanging aspect. Each round has five sets and each set has different groups of troops ranging from grunts to tanks ending the round with Three Chieftans (armed with Fuel Rod guns and Grav Hammers with invicibility) and a whole lotta Brutes with Jump Packs and Invisibility. Each round activates a new skull, like the "Catch" skull that makes all enemies with grenades chuck shitloads of plasma and spikers at you.

The game is fun and challagning that'll keep you playing, but if you do firefight have at least another player with you or go in with a full fireteam (four troopers).

ODST results

Posted by eightball6219 - September 21st, 2009

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Good news is that tomorrow ODSTs will be coming out and what a glorious day it will be. Firefights and new campaign with a whole new awards and surprises! Only problem is everyone will probably be Sgt. Johnson since a good majority preordered the game, but it's all good.

There is a darker side to this. Everybody's favorite liberal, Michael Moore, is making another movie. This time he's on a fake and retarded crusade to find the people's money. Well thank you Fat Bastard for taking time out of your anti-America agenda to help the common folk by pretending to care while making even more money. GOD DAMMIT, why do we still give this guy money to make more hate films about America? The guy is a fucking hypocrit and fucktard! He dresses and acts like a common middle class American, but in real life he's just as fake as Pamela Anderson's tits. The man is a fucking MILLIONAIRE! His shitty movies and books pay for the truck loads of food he eats that keeps him fat and pissy.

In a old episode of South Park, they once said "If you don't like America, then you can get out" and it's true for ol' Michael. If he hates it here so much then he can move! There are so many other countries that hate us that he'll make a fortune in with his hate films. And what good is his films doing? Sure he may finds some flaws with our government, but they're shit WE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT! If he wants to make a difference then maybe he could put his millions of dollars and give everyone who saw his movies a refund, because if he's asking where all the people's money went i can tell him where it went: His shitty movies.

Here's a idea for his next film that actually will be something original for him: Michael Moore in "Weight Drop" It's where he stops being such a fat old fuck and stops bitching about America, loses weight and moves to Canada

One more day/Michael Moore the Fat Fuck

Posted by eightball6219 - September 16th, 2009

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I can't fucking wait for the 22nd! Halo ODSTs finally come out with my preordered copy with Sgt Johnson and a Beta for Halo Reach! Sadly I won't go to te midnight opening due to PT next morning, but the day still makes up for it!

Drop in

Posted by eightball6219 - September 12th, 2009

I must be cursed or something because everytime I get scouted I get unscouted shortly after and so does the person who scouted me. I don't know what is going on, but I've decided this: FOR THE TIME BEING, DO NOT SCOUT ME. THIS IS IN NO FREAKING WAY A REVERSE TACTIC TO GET YOU TOO. I FREAKING ME DO NOT SCOUT ME TO SAVE YOUR STATUS. It's obvious I need more work and am going to take this challange. Any feedback from anyone not being a fucking dumbass is welcome.

Also can anyone tell me what is a better program to draw with other than GIMP2? I need something easy ot use, but can still make good art and can use to make shading and lining easy (so that I don't get that pixel effect like in GIMP and MS Paint). It has to be easy to use, great and cheap to free (I'm low on the green).

Anyway here's the next Black Hole sketch

Art Portal/Black Hole

Posted by eightball6219 - September 11th, 2009

So I lost my art portal status and the person who scouted me lost theirs and maybe the person ho scouted them did too. I don't understand why this keeps happening to others and it's fucking annoying, but I'm too lazy to care.

Anyway this pic is basically when my mind wonders and will be followed with at least two others.

UPDATE: It wasn't a blackhole, but a wormhole. First stop: Rapture.

The Art Portal/Wondering Mind

Posted by eightball6219 - September 9th, 2009

PM me for priority info. There's a situation that needs to be discussed and hopefully dealt with

Recalling any Brotherhood members

Posted by eightball6219 - August 28th, 2009

I recently got home from Indianapolis (great city BTW, St Elmo's steak is great) and all I heard on the fucking flight home was Twilight. "My daughter just loves that book", "I started reading it and I couldn't put it down", "Oh I can't wait for the next movie", blah blah blah FUCK!

HOW THE HELL IS THAT FAGGOTRY SO POPULAR? Well I got a little something for you Twilight fans and for all normal people who hate the movie/book. Here's what the next movie should be: Twilight: Rise of the Angry Marines: Ass Kickers. Who wouldn't love to see these infinitely Angry warriors maim, destroy and tear those faggots up followed by a old fashion vampire burning?

We need the Angry Marines

Posted by eightball6219 - August 23rd, 2009

A old ass match up that has been the debate for awhile now. Here's the scenario:
The Federation ship Enterprise comes from Warp into a new and undiscovered planet. From the transmissions intercepted they learn that it's called Anaxes and populated by a large sum of humans. Hails are sent to the surface to extend a warm greeting into the Federation, but instead calls for assistance go to another loaction around the West side of the planet and somewhere deeper to the center of the galaxy. As the Enterprise begins to learn to not intrude on whatever organization Anaxes belongs to something rips them right out of Warp speed. View screen shows a much larger triangular vessel with spheres in te main hull coming toward them. Scans show the vessel is powering high concentrations of plasma into many batteries that send the ship into Red Alert. Movement and commands are dectected in what appears to be the main hanger and two smaller ones on both sides. Scans show this vessel is a Predator that keeps its prey and is more than capable of ripping them apart.

Meanwhile on the planet the Imperial Govenor on the planet Anaxes recieved word of a unknown ship in Imperial territory seeking them to join a unknown oragnization. Something called the "United Federation" Sounds like Rebel treason, but there is no avalible Star Destroyers around the planet in response to the call for ships in the imminant Rebel raid at the Second Death Star. Luckly there is one ship fit for battle: The Entrapper, a Dominator-Class Star Destroyer refitted with weapondry rivaling a ISD-1. And this one has a surprise: 4 brand new wings of the state of the art and brand new TIE Defender-class Fighter/bomber. The captain, crew, TIE pilots and Stormtrooper Marines quickly get aboard and ready. Fighter crews are at stations and launching TIEs, Stormtrooper/Naval Troopers security teams are on standby, Stormtrooper Marines get aboard TIE Boarding craft and are ready to go, gunners power the turbolasers, Proto Cannon and Proton and Cocussion Missiles. No attempts to hail the enemy are made. The only signals that are made are alerts to Coruscant and Byss for any reinforcements (even a Carrack Cruiser or Victory SD will do). The ship attempts to escape, but the four Gravity Well Projectors pull the Enterprise out of hyperspace. The Govenor declared that this ship WILL not be destroyed or allowed to escape. Take the ship and any crew if possible. Scans show that the ship has several laser banks on it that are only a minor threat to the ship, but a advanced version of proton torperdoes do worry the captain. Usually torpedos aren't trouble to a Dominator SD with it's Interdictor fields (repels projectiles like missiles and torpedos), but this is a new weapon that the technicians and gun crews are unsure of. Regardeless, this ship is still a mavel or the Imperial Fleet and will be victorious.

So, who wins this stand off?
Specs on the Dominator and Imperial Star Destoryer (they're both the same):
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dominat or_Star_Destroyer
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperia l_I-class_Star_Destroyer

Specs on the Enterprise:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Enter prise_(NCC-1701-D)

Next match up is Solid Snake vs Sam Fisher
Following that is The Enlightened vs Enclave

A unusual occurance around Anaxes