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This is a game to get. One that will be a favorite of Halo and Call of Duty fans. Since you are no longer are a Spartan Super Soldier you no longer have the shield safety net or armor to protect from large falls and a motion tracker. To compensate you have a nice HUD dispaly that logs into the city's Supernitendent program that gives you a 3-D model of the city with clear points on where ammo catches are and enemies. The front display highlights ammo, enemies (including invisibles), friendlies and extras. Since being a human you have limits like no more dual-weilding, extra grenades a Call of Duty 4 health feel. You have a health bar, but that can only be drained when your Stamina goes down (Stamina can only be gained back when you get out of harms way and get into cover). There is plenty of health packets around and they respond after every mission so there's no way yo run out.
Interactions with enemies and friendlies have changed. Since you are no longer a Spartan, taking down a Brute is harder. It takes longer to beat them down so you relay on new methods, such as using plasma pistols and needlers more. Friendlies no longer see you as the humanities last hope, but as a regular jackoff, but that means the enemies won't attack you because you aren't the "Demon" and prime enemy of the Covenant. Less attention from the enemy means easier to flank them.
All in all it's fun. The story is kinda short, but fun (especially the sandbox theme level) and firefight makes it all fun. It's way better than "Horde" on Gears 2 becasue of the challanging aspect. Each round has five sets and each set has different groups of troops ranging from grunts to tanks ending the round with Three Chieftans (armed with Fuel Rod guns and Grav Hammers with invicibility) and a whole lotta Brutes with Jump Packs and Invisibility. Each round activates a new skull, like the "Catch" skull that makes all enemies with grenades chuck shitloads of plasma and spikers at you.
The game is fun and challagning that'll keep you playing, but if you do firefight have at least another player with you or go in with a full fireteam (four troopers).