A old ass match up that has been the debate for awhile now. Here's the scenario:
The Federation ship Enterprise comes from Warp into a new and undiscovered planet. From the transmissions intercepted they learn that it's called Anaxes and populated by a large sum of humans. Hails are sent to the surface to extend a warm greeting into the Federation, but instead calls for assistance go to another loaction around the West side of the planet and somewhere deeper to the center of the galaxy. As the Enterprise begins to learn to not intrude on whatever organization Anaxes belongs to something rips them right out of Warp speed. View screen shows a much larger triangular vessel with spheres in te main hull coming toward them. Scans show the vessel is powering high concentrations of plasma into many batteries that send the ship into Red Alert. Movement and commands are dectected in what appears to be the main hanger and two smaller ones on both sides. Scans show this vessel is a Predator that keeps its prey and is more than capable of ripping them apart.
Meanwhile on the planet the Imperial Govenor on the planet Anaxes recieved word of a unknown ship in Imperial territory seeking them to join a unknown oragnization. Something called the "United Federation" Sounds like Rebel treason, but there is no avalible Star Destroyers around the planet in response to the call for ships in the imminant Rebel raid at the Second Death Star. Luckly there is one ship fit for battle: The Entrapper, a Dominator-Class Star Destroyer refitted with weapondry rivaling a ISD-1. And this one has a surprise: 4 brand new wings of the state of the art and brand new TIE Defender-class Fighter/bomber. The captain, crew, TIE pilots and Stormtrooper Marines quickly get aboard and ready. Fighter crews are at stations and launching TIEs, Stormtrooper/Naval Troopers security teams are on standby, Stormtrooper Marines get aboard TIE Boarding craft and are ready to go, gunners power the turbolasers, Proto Cannon and Proton and Cocussion Missiles. No attempts to hail the enemy are made. The only signals that are made are alerts to Coruscant and Byss for any reinforcements (even a Carrack Cruiser or Victory SD will do). The ship attempts to escape, but the four Gravity Well Projectors pull the Enterprise out of hyperspace. The Govenor declared that this ship WILL not be destroyed or allowed to escape. Take the ship and any crew if possible. Scans show that the ship has several laser banks on it that are only a minor threat to the ship, but a advanced version of proton torperdoes do worry the captain. Usually torpedos aren't trouble to a Dominator SD with it's Interdictor fields (repels projectiles like missiles and torpedos), but this is a new weapon that the technicians and gun crews are unsure of. Regardeless, this ship is still a mavel or the Imperial Fleet and will be victorious.
So, who wins this stand off?
Specs on the Dominator and Imperial Star Destoryer (they're both the same):
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Dominat or_Star_Destroyer
http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Imperia l_I-class_Star_Destroyer
Specs on the Enterprise:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Enter prise_(NCC-1701-D)
Next match up is Solid Snake vs Sam Fisher
Following that is The Enlightened vs Enclave
Star Destroyer hands down. Formidable size, firepower, and man power. Simply no contest. Not to mention the reinforcements it has under it's belt (if that even be a factor).
It is. I've always thought the same, but there are others out there that consider the Enterprise to be greater, but they forget that the Empire created their ships for three things: Fear, War and Enforcement. The Enterprise is a explorer craft that only has that teleportation shit going for it, but that does no good when on the other side is hundreds to thousands of Imperial Soldiers in the Navy and Marine sections.