
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

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Star Destroyer hands down. Formidable size, firepower, and man power. Simply no contest. Not to mention the reinforcements it has under it's belt (if that even be a factor).

It is. I've always thought the same, but there are others out there that consider the Enterprise to be greater, but they forget that the Empire created their ships for three things: Fear, War and Enforcement. The Enterprise is a explorer craft that only has that teleportation shit going for it, but that does no good when on the other side is hundreds to thousands of Imperial Soldiers in the Navy and Marine sections.

Oh I understand. Most people don't read it all either. I just post it up, because, well some people like certain things on posts, so I post all of it, o every one s happy. And a synopsis is: The synopsis is the most important part of your submission package and, as such, it has to be developed and sweated over and polished with the same attention you devoted to the novel itself. Along with the cover letter, the synopsis is what sells the editor on the manuscript.

Ah, got it.

Nice story...but..
Stop copying star trek's ship and the imperial watsoever from star wars.
Create ur own ships for the sake of it.
Still damn good though
I can;t draw on computers.

Read the entire caption

Wait, I didn;t read the whole thing..
You did not rip off it.
You wre trying to draw it.
Imperial ship dominates small ship
Star Trek is...kinda ghay..


I'd just send a whole assload of TIE Interceptors and Bombers after the Trekkie bastards.
ISD wins anyway (however, your illustration looks like a Victory Star Destroyer, which is only used to jam enemy signals/disable enemy hyperspacing, and generally doesn't get shoved into the front lines. Yes, I'm a Star Wars fan. But I know that only from playing Empire At War.)

Actaully it's a hybrid of a Interdictor and ISD: The Dominator.


Nice match up


Not here man.

wow STARwars vs STARtrek

I'm just resolving a age old debate.

nice but I think that you should have used the Borg in this match up instead of the Enterprise. In this case though I would have to say the Enterprise would win if that is truly the Enterprise NCC- 1701D. Just for the fact that the ship can split into two the Sacuer section and the engineering section and they are also equipped with shuttlecraft that can take on the smaller Tie fighters. A tremendous amount of energy at once if needed the main deflector dish is capable of channeling such energy. They also have twelve phaser arrays, three torpedo launchers, a supply of 250 photon torpedoes, and a high-capacity shield grid which could operate on multiple frequencies. The phaser arrays can be modified to put out different frequencies to help cut through the shields of other ships. They can also be pinpointed to hit vital systems on other ships. The photon torpedoes can be launched one at a time or in a spread. And as a last resort the can use the trasporters to beam out the warp core and blow it up to desable another ship if not to blow it up. With out the warp core they still have impulse power.
The deathstar is slow in it movements and it takes time to charge the main weapon. And as seen in A new hope it can be easly defeted by sending a simple shuttlecraft. The death destroyer is also slow to respond and can not mamuver that well ( also seen in A New Hope as two death destroyers run into eachother).

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AO5HN4AvLg&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AO5HN 4AvLg&feature=related</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMKDRvJFpq4&feature=PlayList&p=9CA7ECF5E5CC1CCB&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=28">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMKDRv JFpq4&feature=PlayList&p=9CA7 ECF5E5CC1CCB&playnext=1&playn ext_from=PL&index=28</a>

You can't go with youtube videos because usually it's just fan based stuff.

Remember that the ENterprise is significantly smaller than a ISD and the Enterprise isn't a Warship, rather made for long term exploration. It does have weapons but the Empire designs it's ships for three things: War, Enforcement and Intimidation.

These ships aren't equiped with the standard TIE/n fighter, rather the Defender class that has shields and hyperdrive and weapons that makes it both a fighter and bomber. And all these differnet words like "Impulse Power" are just a different terminology than ones used in Star Wars.

Dominators are built to nuetralize the Enterprise's Torpedos with its special equipment: The Interdictor Field which is a power energy field that disrupts and deflects incoming projectiles. These ships have a massive power source to fuel it's shields and weapons that deals tremendous damage against a ship that is the size of a Imperial or Rebel Firgate. Plus its weapons use condensed PLASMA.

The only real trick the Enterprise holds is its transporter, but can any of the crew match up to the Dominators many Stormtrooper Marines or Naval Trooper Security teams?

Give that Star Destroyer a real fight:

super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/Subsp ace-Gunship

This should suit it nicely.

That monster would have to fight anything ranging from a Praetor-class Battle CRuiser to a Eclipse Star Dreadnought.

I knew I would duck up that link. See if this works:

super-smash-bros.wikia.com/wiki/Subsp ace_Gunship

Okay I keep fucking up the link. Here's what I'm trying to say:

Subspace Gunship vs. Star Destroyer.

I know I suck at links but my fucking Ipod touch has no fucking copy and paste feature.

^ lol mine does
3.0 softwarez for teh wins