your being to nice to the twilight people
Age 35, Male
Drinking...AND PURGING
Joined on 3/16/09
your being to nice to the twilight people
Am I? I thought the Angry Marines would be enough, but maybe I should of gone with Chaos...or Necrons.
Applause applause. I'll fucking direct that movie!
The Oscar is guarenteed!
^ Better yet, an entire room of Xenomorphs from Alien.
Accompanied with the Angry Marines, Blood Ravens, Ultramarines, Predators, ODSTs, Republic commandoes, and Captain Falcon.
That's a pic saved for a rainy day
Yeah, there's no real point for twilight to be so popular, the only thing it reminds me of is geeky, because of the vampires, and i barely ever read these day because it's so boring to read.
Plus I'm pretty sure that a real vampire would of turned that chick into a human cherry soda and not been all lovy-dovy
bah! wimpy space marines, ya want some orcs to stomp all over them!
Dah Boyz didn't wantz t handlez this kind of a WAAAGH. Best left to those humie Angry Marinez.
Warboss wants Dah Boyz to takes out those gits ats the Dizney Channel.
also, nice pic
wow the ironic someone just put that book at my door.
damn it I never should have joined that damn book club 7 years ago.
I dont know where I live but come on I've geting gay little book now this.
Now there's always a bright side. For instence you can burn that book or strap it to some bottle rockets and a shit load of fire crackers and blow it to kingdom come. Or you could do both in the same area that a bunch of Twilight fans are at.
oh come on twilight was a was a...BF... ha I cant say damn that was the gayest movie I ever saw a human and a vampire in love bull he would have eaten her end of story.
I was gonna say that a statement like that can't be from you
if you want to see evil give me a knife and an ax and some alone time with them.
Granted. Have fun
have hydralisks rip edward the vampire's nutsack off
hydrawhats? and who is edward the vampire?
the hydralisk is a zerg unit off of starcraft if I'm not mistaken.
I think edward is a vampire off the movie.
Ah..okay. I remember the Zerg from that Tankmen spoof, Halomen2.
thous ones you saw where hydralisks
<a href=""> ory</a>:StarCraft_units
wait the link didnt work
I saw 'em. They're pretty fucking cool
stop leveling up and gaining rank it makes me feel small!
As Ozzy Osbourne's song goes: I Don't Want to Stop
i sparked an SC discussion. i feel special
Them Angry Marines remind me of odsts
Yeah, with the additude adjuster and your ass here, reminds me of feet first into hell and all those odst tattoos.
first holy shit you have a daughter.
2nd how does the movie end
I have a daughter? Fuck when did that happen?
My movie ends with the that Twilight fag's shit kicked to the tune of "No more Mr. Nice Guy".