
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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eightball6219's News

Posted by eightball6219 - April 25th, 2009

Listen up you people whoo try to stop the Good Fight: FUCK OFF!
We don't need pussy negotiators getting into other people's buisness's, we need fighters. Everytime I get a PM from someone like 51430 telling me what to do it boils my blood. Fuck off, I don't need your advice and I don't need you telling me what to do. If I choose to get into a arguement then that's what I'm allowed to do by the United States government (Freedom of Speech).If you don't want into the fight, then stay out of it and SHUT THE FUCK UP!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Npru_8O 6bOU&feature=related

Listen to the song and you'll know what the message is for you "negotiators" (better name for them is "pussies")

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rVFi6q kPHE

For all who has joined the alliance, here's a old, but still good song:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwQbPgo uUYo

For 51430 and his ilk, this is for you
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnVtDDf s2XM&feature=related


Posted by eightball6219 - April 25th, 2009

I've been studying up on war machines since I got my first war book when I was seven and since then I've always appreciated a balance of quality and quantiy for the perfect armroed vehicle. I've always hated those gayass Manga Robots because they make no sense. You could take the same armor and weapons and put them on a battalion of tanks. More weapons, more desctruction.
However there is one super weapon that I've always respected and that was the Imperial AT-AT. Looking at it in a modern angle, it's the perfect land vehicle for any military: a troop transport combined with a main battle tank.
Sporting a command cabin with a large fire radius and it's height always for it to have increased range so it can hit far away ground targets and targets hiding up in the mountains. It also has another advantage: a weapon of fear. Something that big can only say one theing: get the fuck out of my way. It's a weapon that currently is out of reach, but with our development in technology it could be a reality in the near future as engineering continues to bring the fictictous to a reality. We once said that flight and putting a man on the moon was impossible, but it happened. Who knows what weapons we'll see. Hopefully ones that do the same as the AT-AT and scare the shit out of the insurgents (terrorists, I'm talking to you).

has to be my favorite movie battel scene of all time besides the opening battle in the movie "Patton"

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhpS69e AXrU&feature=related

Discuss 1

Posted by eightball6219 - April 24th, 2009

People, I had it. Is rape that honestly funny? Is telling some chick that she is going to be raped that fucking hilarious? Why? Because your safe in your house in front of the computer that your parents owe? FUCK YOU!

I'm sick of this shit! Where's the decency, the respect, THE HONOR? What happened to common courtesy? Are you all on here just to piss off others? How's that fun? I was always told that joining these sites are a bad idea because they are filled with assholes, but I said no and that it isn't all that bad.

I was wrong. What's the point of newgrounds if you all are just going to poison it with your bullshit.

zgunbladez hates to be called stupid so I have offically renamed him "dumbass". Anytime you meet this guy you are to refer to him as "dumbass"

Enough is enough

Posted by eightball6219 - April 22nd, 2009

I finally got my computer back from the shop and returned the loaner-piece of crap. Since I got my computer back I finally got to finish this:
That shit was all done on Microsoft Paint and it took fucking forever to do it. damn, I think I'll stick with black n' white pics

Also, I have a few pages of the "Wastelander" series ready to put up, but obviously the pic space on my page is not big enough for dialog so if anyone has any ideas how to ge them up so that the pages are legible I'd like to hear them

UPDATE: As of 1424 pm today all Super Mutant Behemoths have been eradicated! At 1500 pm a expidition to the site of Vault 87 was carried out that has failed miserably. The rad levels are too high to even get close even with Rad-X and Radaway. Rad levels jumped 350 per seecond near the door.


Posted by eightball6219 - April 20th, 2009

What's up Brotherhood?
So lately there have been some "people" out ther that have been starting shit for no reason I have been at war and many of you have probably seen the shit being said.

Now I'm tired. I really just don't give a shit anymore. I'm bored and I'm more a guy who likes to settle these kinds of incidents through violence, not words. Oh, sure words are great but when you've played Offensive and Defensive Line for so many years, a full assault just comes natural, but I'm done. I don't give two fucks what these trolls (or assclowns as i prefer to call them) have to say cause we all know what happens to them out in public: THEY GET THEIR ASS BEAT DOWN.

I'm working on a new series called "Wastelanders". First page will be coming out soon.

Check this shit out:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8Wm Q_WM&feature=PlayList&p=6B04A167071BE3 9A&index=1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvjDr8K KtsE&feature=related

This is real rock:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDIJfy3 XV-8&feature=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvF5yzR sUgw&feature=PlayList&p=7A119208121031 77&index=0&playnext=1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF2inhZ O2Ys

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xPSMEX vBLY

Eh...I Don't Give a Shit Anymore

Posted by eightball6219 - April 19th, 2009

Check this shit out and if you hate it then turn it off, don't be a bitch
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qqXi8Wm Q_WM&feature=PlayList&p=6B04A167071BE3 9A&index=1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS_0GyP LM4U&feature=PlayList&p=6B04A167071BE3 9A&index=2

Me and my friends saw that shit one night (possibly drunk) and could not stop laughing

If you're new here, note this is all just for fun. If you're going to be a Snady Vagina like Wyvvern-fag then just keep moving.
We'll leave it at I don't know you and you don't know me. If you love Fallout and are just on Newgrounds to hang out then join up with us or go to http://mercmax.newgrounds.com/ if you liked the Outcsts better.

Go to http://deadeyedunkan.newgrounds.com/ to meet the second in command: DeadeyeDunkan

The Brotherhood welcomes the new Knights: EmoxxxChicka, ZeroInsanity and dawnofstar.

A new possible HQ has been found: Ol' Olny. I've cleared out all Death Claw resistanc on the surface, but there are underground passages to explore.
MISSION: Clear out all possible DeathClaw activity under Ol' Olny. Three volenteers are required under my command.
MISSION2: Liberty-Prime has been located and needs to be escorted to Ol' Olny. DarkDragonFate and dawnofstar are leading the repairs and require escort. Four man team is required once again this is volenteer.
Nitrogyen is ordered to lead his toaster-bots in recon in capital wasteland area. All members of 1st Platoon are to be moved to 2nd Platoon under command of ZeroInsanity. 1st platoon is the Toaster Bots recruited by Nitrogyen.
That's all for now

NEW ORDER FOR ALL BOS: There's a fag out there called Wyvvern-Guy whos "offended" by what we're doing. He hates how there is an Outcast group and Brotherhood of Steel on newgrounds and loves to correct on every little thing I misspell. Go punk his ass.


Posted by eightball6219 - April 18th, 2009

Regards to the new recruits:

Recruit numbers are up so now teams are being made.
Recon team: Bigmac990 (Spec Ops/Transportation) & Whitewolf3307 (Spec Ops)
Mission: your mission is to scout out new tech and pockets of resistance form raiders, enclave, mutants and apparently vampires so travelers have safe passage. Also scout out a good location for a perminant HQ. One with good Signal reception for communications, a bar and fixable toliets. Stick to the Wasteland area and check Satcomm instillations

Platoon 1: Leader-Nitrogyen (Infantry Specialist)
members- Spartan 500 (Heavy Weapons), Ultimo (Heavy Weapons), DarkDragonFate (Energy Weapons), Kyubbii (mortar/artillery expert), SuperEFG (Infantry/Recon)
mission: Collect new tech, aid wastelanders, defeat any unfriendlies that come into contact and (this is the most imperative part) seek out possible velicles that can be refitted by Bigmac990 for battle.
Stay to the DC areas

Enemies: Any feral ghoul, mutant, Enclave, Talon Company, raiders or (this is a new one Vampire). Shoot to kill, no prisoners. They'll probably won't do you any favors.

Allies/neutrals: Wastelnaders, Outcasts (open trade with them if possible), mercs (TiredWolf)amd normal Ghouls in the museum fo Natural History

Eightball6219& Deadeye Dunkan are finishing scouting out The Pitt and Raven Rock area.

Forbidden: Vault 87, Raven Rock, The Pitt and Water Purifier.

NOTE: No balloons will be allowed out on the shooting range and store away any tanks of helium. Balloons are great, but not when your in a combat situation, even if it is your birthday. That's just common sense.
Any balloons you choose to play with will be during youre down time.

Positions avaiable: 2nd platoon CO
Chemical warfare expert
More infantry, heavy Weapons and Recon
Spec Ops

New Steel chapter

Posted by eightball6219 - April 17th, 2009

The Brotherhood is taking recruits in. If you want ot join send inyour armor type and four weapons of choice, rank and a cool catch phrase (so you have something good to say with a epic kill).

We also give all the coke and mountain dew you can drink and open pizza, chicken and chinese food buffet (for earners) and air! (for earners)

actually no buffet...that'll make you fat
Pictures will take a little longer cause I'm still registering for classes


Posted by eightball6219 - April 16th, 2009

made this today, but haven't finish the color, but I think it's looking good
feedback is welcomed and I'm taking requests for future drawings or ideas for comics

The Assassin By: IRON MAIDEN!

Now the contracts out
They've put the word about
I'm coming after you

It's not the money I make
It's the thrill of the chase
And I'm coming after you

I watch your every move
Study the things you do
And the pattern of your ways

I watch the way you walk
I hear your telephone talk
I want to understand the way you think

Better watch out,cos I'm the assassin,
Better watch out,better watch out

I'm in a cold cold sweat
I taste the smell of death
I know the moment's getting closer

And as you walk to the light
I feel my hands go tight
Excitement running through my veins

I've got you in my sights
I've got you dead to rights
The triggers waiting for my finger

I feel adrenalin rush
It's just the final touch
You can kiss your ass goodbye

The little quote in the picture says "Say goodnight motherfucker".

My new pic

Posted by eightball6219 - April 15th, 2009

Anyway in the Colbertnation, NASA pulled a bitch move and blindsided Stephen Colbert. How? Well recently there was a contest to name the new addon to the Space Station and the people voted for COLBERT. NASA decided that this wasn't appropriate and went back on the Democracy that took palce to vote in the new name. They settled on naming a treadmill after Colbert, but that's still not enough. NASA you own one of America's greatest citizens a space station node and a apology to all those voters that you said no too, including the ones who did not vote for COLBERT. NASA (National Air and Space Administration), HA! More like NASD (National Air and Space Dictatorship).