Check this shit out and if you hate it then turn it off, don't be a bitch Q_WM&feature=PlayList&p=6B04A167071BE3 9A&index=1 LM4U&feature=PlayList&p=6B04A167071BE3 9A&index=2
Me and my friends saw that shit one night (possibly drunk) and could not stop laughing
If you're new here, note this is all just for fun. If you're going to be a Snady Vagina like Wyvvern-fag then just keep moving.
We'll leave it at I don't know you and you don't know me. If you love Fallout and are just on Newgrounds to hang out then join up with us or go to if you liked the Outcsts better.
Go to to meet the second in command: DeadeyeDunkan
The Brotherhood welcomes the new Knights: EmoxxxChicka, ZeroInsanity and dawnofstar.
A new possible HQ has been found: Ol' Olny. I've cleared out all Death Claw resistanc on the surface, but there are underground passages to explore.
MISSION: Clear out all possible DeathClaw activity under Ol' Olny. Three volenteers are required under my command.
MISSION2: Liberty-Prime has been located and needs to be escorted to Ol' Olny. DarkDragonFate and dawnofstar are leading the repairs and require escort. Four man team is required once again this is volenteer.
Nitrogyen is ordered to lead his toaster-bots in recon in capital wasteland area. All members of 1st Platoon are to be moved to 2nd Platoon under command of ZeroInsanity. 1st platoon is the Toaster Bots recruited by Nitrogyen.
That's all for now
NEW ORDER FOR ALL BOS: There's a fag out there called Wyvvern-Guy whos "offended" by what we're doing. He hates how there is an Outcast group and Brotherhood of Steel on newgrounds and loves to correct on every little thing I misspell. Go punk his ass.
Ol' Olny is location is right next to vault 92.
so me and spartan2262 will help in the escort and recon.
Cool. Any tech you aquire along the way will be yours