
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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New Steel chapter

Posted by eightball6219 - April 18th, 2009

Regards to the new recruits:

Recruit numbers are up so now teams are being made.
Recon team: Bigmac990 (Spec Ops/Transportation) & Whitewolf3307 (Spec Ops)
Mission: your mission is to scout out new tech and pockets of resistance form raiders, enclave, mutants and apparently vampires so travelers have safe passage. Also scout out a good location for a perminant HQ. One with good Signal reception for communications, a bar and fixable toliets. Stick to the Wasteland area and check Satcomm instillations

Platoon 1: Leader-Nitrogyen (Infantry Specialist)
members- Spartan 500 (Heavy Weapons), Ultimo (Heavy Weapons), DarkDragonFate (Energy Weapons), Kyubbii (mortar/artillery expert), SuperEFG (Infantry/Recon)
mission: Collect new tech, aid wastelanders, defeat any unfriendlies that come into contact and (this is the most imperative part) seek out possible velicles that can be refitted by Bigmac990 for battle.
Stay to the DC areas

Enemies: Any feral ghoul, mutant, Enclave, Talon Company, raiders or (this is a new one Vampire). Shoot to kill, no prisoners. They'll probably won't do you any favors.

Allies/neutrals: Wastelnaders, Outcasts (open trade with them if possible), mercs (TiredWolf)amd normal Ghouls in the museum fo Natural History

Eightball6219& Deadeye Dunkan are finishing scouting out The Pitt and Raven Rock area.

Forbidden: Vault 87, Raven Rock, The Pitt and Water Purifier.

NOTE: No balloons will be allowed out on the shooting range and store away any tanks of helium. Balloons are great, but not when your in a combat situation, even if it is your birthday. That's just common sense.
Any balloons you choose to play with will be during youre down time.

Positions avaiable: 2nd platoon CO
Chemical warfare expert
More infantry, heavy Weapons and Recon
Spec Ops

New Steel chapter


amazing army!!!
i want to shine them all with windex

Go ahead, shine away
Found it on google and thought "that's the closest I'm gonna get ot a good BOS formation pic".

cani be head of sumthin?

In the last post you said something about tactica n logistics. You can have that, but also there is also head of the Rangers (our elitists, but they operate on more lone wolf or hunting-killing teams).

It's Ultimato not ultimo so get it right next time.

Sorry, I miss letters sometimes when typing

you were wondering about the flag only having 13 stars. it means after the nuculear war all other states were rendered nothing but radioactive deserts (going to one of those places is like when you turn on the G.E.C.K) and only those 13 places are left close to habitable. i guess thats wat happened

Huh...that makes sense. The US is back to 13 colonies

holy mother of power armor....

Yes sir, but i have some bad news sir. I only rented the game, and i don't have any where close to enough money to buy the game. i am sorry sir.

That's fine. Get it when you have the money to spare, but only when you have the money. In these harsh economic times we can't afford to spend money left n right (excuse the old expression)

((but, i want to start a commando team with me as the commander. the team shall be Omega Squad.))

Gather three other members and it's done. Your our Ranger (BOS Commandos) Team OMEGA

Forbidden: Vault 87, Raven Rock
why is this?
and how will you keep your troops in order

Vault 87 is forbidden cause no one can get ther unless you have a pure radition tolerance and I'm talking about the above ground entrance.
Rave Rock is forbidden because there is not enough of us in this chapter right now for a full assault.
Troops will be kept in order through a chain of command, but none of these guys will do anything psycho cause they're all good people.

ALL RIGHT! Energy Weapons
Sir just call me Dragon

All right Corprol. A Mr.Gutsy and Handy model of robots are at you disposel

Raven rock
Place is not that very heavly gaurded
have a sniper and heavy weapon team and you in but that when the trouble starts.
who is your leader and how may I speak to him

I'm the current leader. Deadeye Duncan is second in command, but has no page yet.

As for Raven Rock, the Enclave have stepped up their game. They've recently figured out how to contol Deathclaws through blinders that act sort of like a shock collar. Raven Rock is where they're concentrated the most. I've taken out a few, but we haven't the fire power to get them all will covering the Demolishion/Heavy Weapons team to break the door down

Dont the outcasts have men all over the capital wastland
is it not funny are helping with out trying LOL

Yep. The world works in mysterious and wonderous ways. Eventhough they're taking all my kills.

Ultimato works for both of us just like Dragon
OH Dragon named his robots

As long as he's not Enclave

Hey, do we need the actual game??
Cuz I don't.

If you understand what the Brotherhood, Outcasts and Enclave are then you're good to go, but get teh game later on

Do you have your own website
and why the hell is Dragon an idiot.
what is the recruits for armor about?

Nah, I don't know how to do that stuff. I want to figure out how to do flash so I can make a parody of Fallout 3 with some Red vs Blue jokes in there

I would love to max a fallout flash
IT WOULD BE AWSOME but I suck a drawing sadly

I'm a pretty good artist, I just suck at computer stuff. I'm gonna try to take a class this summer and if there is a way I can get you in as one of the voices

thanks but no I may be a good actor but I think my voice in general is not what it take to be an actor.
RL-3 is mine

What's a RL-3?

If we did something like a flash movie, I'd try to do some VA.
That'd be sweet.

Everyone apart of the BOS, Outcast and (we need bad guys) Enclave are potenial VAs.

on the game he is a MR.Gusty that can join you if you have neutral karma
in front of the robco factory
full name is sargent RL-3

I've heard of him but never actually found the robot

Hey, just as something random, my friend started a new game at a party, and he ended up killing everyone in Megaton.
At a very low level.
With the 10mm pistol you get from your Vault when you have to leave.

That's what I do everytime I get a new weapon, but now I do it at Tenpenny Tower. I save the game and go nuts with the gun and determine if it is keepable. Then I leave without saving and go from there

Combat Shotgun + Bloody, chunks and stuff perk + The poor saps in Tenpenny + my crazy friend = Abzolute massacre.

and it's okay to kill those guys cause they're the ones that wanted Megaton blown up. I fired a fat man nuke in the lobby. good times

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