
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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eightball6219's News

Posted by eightball6219 - May 19th, 2009

I realize I should be inking and coloring these, but whatever

This one was a concept for a battle sccene in the comic I'm probably 1/2 done where a squad of ERS Marines are pinned down and the "Titan" Tank Buster comes in and plows the enemy over.

The Titan is, well a tank buster armed with a 150mm Particle cannon that basically annialates any armor in it's way. To cover the Titan, a medium pulse cannon, two machine gunner postions and a rocket pod were added to secure the Titan in battle

The marines in the picture are in standard armor for the ERS military and the one with the face plate is a squad leader. NCOs are given the face plate for extra protection and so they can be recongized by their men in battle

On a side note, this was made like 2 years ago when I was just learning to use differnent shapes to make the troops and velichles and I had no concepts for villains or the allies except one bad guy called "Viper" which the infantry was basically a melding of a evil Megaman with the Cobra Commander and spikes. The next pic should be the villains and a explaination of each one. Oh and one of them might offend people, but I choose it because everyone hates these guys and they need to disappear (they have nothing to do with Muslim Terrorists or any Muslim for that matter so go ahead and get that accusation out of your heads).

Art Submission #2

Posted by eightball6219 - May 18th, 2009

Okay so here's my pic for that art contest thing and here the explanation of each trooper from left to right:

Each of these factions troops represent a government in the Allies

ERS: The Black armored trooper is a the ERS (Earth Republic of Systems) commando. The military is split up into four branches where the Marines are the expeditionary force of them, the Army functions as a colonila force: recruitment comes from the planet it's stationed on, the Navy acts as everything from system patrol, to military transport and Section 6: the brainchild of the military and spooks of the government. The ERS is a continum of modern day Democracy after the The Purge and Intersteller Migration. It operates like American colonialism before WWI

RA: The Red Army is the backbone of the military of the Red Republic. Like the name suggests its the child of modern-day Russia and a alliance with old communist Russia states. Each citizen of the RA is required to serve for a least four years in the military giving the Red Republic the largest army in the galaxy.

EUE: The Economic Union of Europe. European countries after the Instersteller Migration were divided until the first Galactic Depression. An Irish colony discovered a faster way to process anti-matter. With it's discovery ships now had a new efficent fuel that gave the EUE it's start and jump to the #1 economy. The power armor of the EUE infantry is based off old knight armors from the past.

OA: Oriental Alliance. The OA operates with a different sort of goverenment with a oligarthy of the top buisnesses of the Empire. The OA were the first to discover the potenial of Power Armor, Pulse Weapons and Plasma technology (shielding, cannons, etc). The troops of the OA are taught in the way of the Samuria and scouts are taught the way of the ninja. OA is the top R&D developer and a vital source for the Allied military.

Any questions you have I'll answer

Art Contest Submission

Posted by eightball6219 - May 17th, 2009

Finally we have a new router! I'm now reconnected! Goddamn...
Anyway I missed a lot of shit. Saw zguns new post and..well jealousy is a bitch to some people. Seriously, if he hates us so fucking much then why did he change his pic and avatar to Brotherhood pics? HA HA! Pathetic losers.....


Posted by eightball6219 - May 12th, 2009

Since we're all doing the music videos, here's one

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Feeling blue? Tired of the same old comedy routines on TV? Then why not go see the antics of zgunbladez and his little friends? He's a little steamed that his image got onto the interent and is just giving me the reaction I want: the dumbass troll insults with every "FAIL" quote imaginable. And like a good episode of "Scrubs" he has guest stars like igott who has posted a list of comments he made up! To make it hilariously retarded he's taken my comments to him and awarped them beyond all reality! I love a good fictional comedy...

So here's a word from our good friend: Mr. Phil Ken Sebben and his take on their commetns: HA HA!

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Oh and on a side note the only comment not warped by igott was the first one where I said "interent cracker, you gay". I was watching "The Boondocks" (show not the movie) and used a common quote by Riley, but instead of using N**ga, I said cracker

Who needs a good laugh?

Posted by eightball6219 - May 9th, 2009

This post goes out to everyone's favorite dumbasses: Zgunbladez (or whatever the fuck he called himself to make him feel special) and Leglos (another hopeless Lord of the Rings fag). They try to talk shit, they make crappy pictures to insult me and they try to make others feel bad, but instead they make me laugh.

Like most sane people we get a kick out of the actions of retards, like zqueer and Legbitch. I love it when retards do stupid shit because no matter what has jsut happened, I always feel better when a retard does something stupid.

ANd let's get to the nitty-gritty of "retard". Retard really does not implie a mentally handicapped person or another disablilty becasue any of these people could out perform zfag and legass in any field of activity. Retard simply means any dumbass that tries to do something that they'll just fail at an dmake a fool..no a ass of themselves. For instince zdouche is starting a army of Furfag haters out there to combat me. Well that ain't going to work because I'm not a furry. Oh sure I like animals, but I don't want to be one and I don't want to fuck one. For all you furries out there you keep doing what you're doing. It's what you like and if you're not hurtng anyone then by all means have fun

For all you furry haters out there to hate these people is like the behaviors of America during the time of segregation. These "furries" are people too and have a different interest. Leave them be because you're just making yourselves look like zgunfuck and Legfag. do you want to be known as a bigot and a dumbass?

So getting back to zfuckup and Leg-my-parents-dropped-me-los you guys keep it up. I always get a good laugh out of you two.

Oh and everytime you talk, this is all I ever hear fromyou too (must be some retard language)

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Brotherhood of Steel: It's been awhile, but your orders are to assist others in need, get Operation Broken Steel and have a good summer. I'm going to work on Flash movies and will show up every now and then

Here's the face of your favorite troll: zgunbladez

Dumbasses:  You gotta Love 'em

Posted by eightball6219 - May 7th, 2009

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Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue,
Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!

I love watching this guy as a kid! This muppet cracked me up everytime with his shennagans!
Oh that Swedish Chef...always making a mess


Posted by eightball6219 - May 5th, 2009

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Ever wonder just what the hell do eggs and rabbits have to do with Jesus anyway? What does a peanut butter cup and M&M pooping rabbit have to do with the Lord and Savior's resurrection?

Let's hear your thoughts....if you have any (that's a dare).

Oh and Strategizer, I got something for you:

Mask ya something....

Posted by eightball6219 - May 5th, 2009

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So apparently there are other chapters of the Brotherhood throughout the internet. I found one on RoosterTeeth that apparently is fighting against the Vamps on that site. Good luck to those guys. Kind of a werid battle to fight.

So this summer I'll be doing less Brotherhood related stuff and hopefully will get to download Operation Broken Steel. I'll be working with flash and by th etime i get back to college I'll have something to put up.

Also our chapter now has a Head Scribe in the Order of the Shield. MercMax is now our the Head Scribe of the Shield and Chief Medic officer. There is still need of a Quarter Master, Drill Instructor and always could use more infantry that fills basic roles (chem, heavy weapons, tech, riflemen, etc). Recruitment is still open.

More Steel?!?

Posted by eightball6219 - May 4th, 2009

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Just a pic to go along with it

Metal: The voice of power

Posted by eightball6219 - May 3rd, 2009


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This was one of the greatest characters ever and who was he voiced by?
None other than the greatest ever: STEPHEN COLBERT! HA HA!

Mr. Phil Ken Sebben