I realize I should be inking and coloring these, but whatever
This one was a concept for a battle sccene in the comic I'm probably 1/2 done where a squad of ERS Marines are pinned down and the "Titan" Tank Buster comes in and plows the enemy over.
The Titan is, well a tank buster armed with a 150mm Particle cannon that basically annialates any armor in it's way. To cover the Titan, a medium pulse cannon, two machine gunner postions and a rocket pod were added to secure the Titan in battle
The marines in the picture are in standard armor for the ERS military and the one with the face plate is a squad leader. NCOs are given the face plate for extra protection and so they can be recongized by their men in battle
On a side note, this was made like 2 years ago when I was just learning to use differnent shapes to make the troops and velichles and I had no concepts for villains or the allies except one bad guy called "Viper" which the infantry was basically a melding of a evil Megaman with the Cobra Commander and spikes. The next pic should be the villains and a explaination of each one. Oh and one of them might offend people, but I choose it because everyone hates these guys and they need to disappear (they have nothing to do with Muslim Terrorists or any Muslim for that matter so go ahead and get that accusation out of your heads).
me like.
me's in to the creatures.
do you have a drawing of one.
what kind? I used to do that