
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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eightball6219's News

Posted by eightball6219 - June 5th, 2009

Okay, I know that all gamers have run into these guys at least a few times on Halo3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War 2 at least a couple of times. They're the ones that bitch and moan in their high pitched bitch voices and just have to make friends with EVERYONE!!!! If you don't know who I'm talking about it's those fucking kids from ages 10 to 14 that haven't gone through puberty and make Xbox LIVE a living hell.

A little word of advice to these kids: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! I always hated hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks and I damn sure don't want to hear your voice. Fuck that shit.

Seriously we know if you got team killed. 90% percent of the time it's a accident. You don't gotta yell into the mic about it and we don't need to hear your voice crack while trying to get every last cuss word in that you learned off watching sensored FOX TV shows on Sunday. Also please for the love of God and all things holy do not try to ake friends with everyone when the game is loading. We don't need to know shit about you and all we want to do is play the game and maybe talk to let you know where the enemy is or if a gun they need is nearby.

There are some y'alls age that know better than that and I salute you all. You know that your hear to play the game and not to whine and bitch.


Posted by eightball6219 - June 3rd, 2009

/* */
Any Steel want to go to lovely Maryland after a nuclear Holocaust?

Point Lookout

Posted by eightball6219 - May 28th, 2009


Our recruitment is open to all who seek to join those who want to preserve a more intellegent and reason filled society to escape the nonsense and chaos that runs amock in today's world. Preserve the basic rights given to all and be apart of something bigger than yourself.

PM for details and any questions.

The rankings of the Brotherhood
Senior Initiate
Senior Squire
Junior Knight
Senior Knight
Knight Commander
Junior Paladin
Paladin Commander


Posted by eightball6219 - May 26th, 2009

Another little random thought came to my head while replaying Bioshock. Just what part of the ocean does he live in and what would happen if he ever made it to Rapture? Here's what might happen.

*Note* I know there are going to be posers here and will claim work they never did. If you don't know who really did it, look at the time of the post and you'll know. I saved this one for after Memorial Day because I didn't think a funny pic would be appropriate.


Posted by eightball6219 - May 25th, 2009

To all veterans and fallen soldiers out their: God Bless you all and thank you for your service and sacrifice.

For the record, this bastard Ocean (http://ocean.newgrounds.com) has been stealing the work of others and removing signatures to make it look like his, but when he stole mine he forgot the eightball in the corner that I use as my signature for finished designs. Any artist should be aware that he will steal your work to claim it as his own.
Look if you don't know who is the real artist look at the time and date of the post and then you'll know

Memorial Day

Posted by eightball6219 - May 24th, 2009

I said I'd draw up a pic for my series enemies and here they are:

From left to right:

The NN (Neo-Nazis): my first one I chose a enemy that everyone hates. THese guys are the very definiton of what political power to one man will do to a nation: corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So their backstory is that the NN is alive today (if you don't know, the nazies never went away when Germany fell. There is a movement with a sizable amount of people even though their pretty much rednecks) and they pretty much lied and waited for their opportunity which was the Great Migration. When Scientists finally developed the tech to implimete in civilian, commercial and military space craft that gives them the ability to create their own worm holes to speed space travel up like driving to the supermarket, the NN jumped on it. Gathering their followers and several frighters they set out for a far off system out of the reach the newly formed ERS, RA, OA and EUE to form their new governement of pure Arayians. Setting down they found that three of the other planets had sentient beings, but behind on the tech tree so they were enslaved and formed the NN government led by the a direct descendent of Adolf Hilter: Azler Micheals (changed it to Azler Hitler). The NN set out agents to eradicate any records and history to the public of WWII and any Nazi or Neo-Nazi periods. They were slowely forgotten and could begin the next phase, hich was the arming of insurgent forces to create the nessecary distractions for the ERS, OA, EUE, and RA so the NN could grow their military might. Once the insurgents created enough damage and caused enough chaos whould they strike and began by the siezing of a top secret ERS mech: The first and only nuclear capable mech artillery unit.

Dracons: a extra-solar invaders bent on the extermination of any beings of non-reptile or serpitine origins. Even if they are the qualified races they are still lower on the ladder of the social order. Dracons have a sort of caste system emplaced where the warriors are the most repected. Dracons have three orders: Land, Water and Sky. There races are both infantry and in some cases battle vehicles (eg: THe larger ones would be the tanks and the order of the Sky provide lowerer air cover).

Necronlytes: An ancient race before man had evolved was plagued with a deadly virus. Their dead was coming back to life with enhanced strenght, no reason or thoughts and a hunger for the living. The Priests were also the top scientists and were confronted by a agent of Satan in the diguise of one of their deieties and promised that if they gave full loyalty to him he'd return with a cure. The agreement was made and the cure was adminitered, but at the price of their free will and good nature. Mutations engulfed the poplous turning them into soldiers of the dead. The acolytes become the Reapers that lead the troops to battle and the Priests were engulfed in metal skeletons become the immortal leaders of the Army of the Dead. A race of beings known in the basic tongue as the Templars responded and engaged sealing the Army into tombs on several "Dead Worlds". The Priests responded with the constructing of several obilisks that would awaken the legions in each system when it was time with first the activation of the virus and the opening of the tombs. The closests Dead World to Earth is Pluto and is the second most "populated". It's only been ignored because Pluto never had anything interesting to show on the reports form NASA and later ERS probes.


Posted by eightball6219 - May 23rd, 2009

I get random thoughts in my head and well this one came to mind when I was reading "The Most Dangerous Game"

Kirby at Home

Posted by eightball6219 - May 21st, 2009

/* */
ZZ Top: awsome beards, great music and a really fucking awsome car: The Eliminator.

Seriously I wish I could get my beard like theirs, but unforunately it doesn't want to go beyond the normal survivialist beard/mustache combo.....oh well

Bigmac990 colored this in for me earlier

ZZ Top

Posted by eightball6219 - May 20th, 2009

Fiftith post already? Damn.
Well here's a pic I made today

Post 50

Posted by eightball6219 - May 19th, 2009

THis is for that art contest and well I got to thinking, what would Japan be like in Fallout and then it hit me: POKEMON ARE MUTATED ANIMALS FROM RADIATION EXPOSURE!

And yes, the Gyrarados in the backgroup has a Shoop head and is fighting Enclave Vertibirds

Fallout 4: Japan