I said I'd draw up a pic for my series enemies and here they are:
From left to right:
The NN (Neo-Nazis): my first one I chose a enemy that everyone hates. THese guys are the very definiton of what political power to one man will do to a nation: corruption. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So their backstory is that the NN is alive today (if you don't know, the nazies never went away when Germany fell. There is a movement with a sizable amount of people even though their pretty much rednecks) and they pretty much lied and waited for their opportunity which was the Great Migration. When Scientists finally developed the tech to implimete in civilian, commercial and military space craft that gives them the ability to create their own worm holes to speed space travel up like driving to the supermarket, the NN jumped on it. Gathering their followers and several frighters they set out for a far off system out of the reach the newly formed ERS, RA, OA and EUE to form their new governement of pure Arayians. Setting down they found that three of the other planets had sentient beings, but behind on the tech tree so they were enslaved and formed the NN government led by the a direct descendent of Adolf Hilter: Azler Micheals (changed it to Azler Hitler). The NN set out agents to eradicate any records and history to the public of WWII and any Nazi or Neo-Nazi periods. They were slowely forgotten and could begin the next phase, hich was the arming of insurgent forces to create the nessecary distractions for the ERS, OA, EUE, and RA so the NN could grow their military might. Once the insurgents created enough damage and caused enough chaos whould they strike and began by the siezing of a top secret ERS mech: The first and only nuclear capable mech artillery unit.
Dracons: a extra-solar invaders bent on the extermination of any beings of non-reptile or serpitine origins. Even if they are the qualified races they are still lower on the ladder of the social order. Dracons have a sort of caste system emplaced where the warriors are the most repected. Dracons have three orders: Land, Water and Sky. There races are both infantry and in some cases battle vehicles (eg: THe larger ones would be the tanks and the order of the Sky provide lowerer air cover).
Necronlytes: An ancient race before man had evolved was plagued with a deadly virus. Their dead was coming back to life with enhanced strenght, no reason or thoughts and a hunger for the living. The Priests were also the top scientists and were confronted by a agent of Satan in the diguise of one of their deieties and promised that if they gave full loyalty to him he'd return with a cure. The agreement was made and the cure was adminitered, but at the price of their free will and good nature. Mutations engulfed the poplous turning them into soldiers of the dead. The acolytes become the Reapers that lead the troops to battle and the Priests were engulfed in metal skeletons become the immortal leaders of the Army of the Dead. A race of beings known in the basic tongue as the Templars responded and engaged sealing the Army into tombs on several "Dead Worlds". The Priests responded with the constructing of several obilisks that would awaken the legions in each system when it was time with first the activation of the virus and the opening of the tombs. The closests Dead World to Earth is Pluto and is the second most "populated". It's only been ignored because Pluto never had anything interesting to show on the reports form NASA and later ERS probes.