Okay, I know that all gamers have run into these guys at least a few times on Halo3, Call of Duty 4 and Gears of War 2 at least a couple of times. They're the ones that bitch and moan in their high pitched bitch voices and just have to make friends with EVERYONE!!!! If you don't know who I'm talking about it's those fucking kids from ages 10 to 14 that haven't gone through puberty and make Xbox LIVE a living hell.
A little word of advice to these kids: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! I always hated hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks and I damn sure don't want to hear your voice. Fuck that shit.
Seriously we know if you got team killed. 90% percent of the time it's a accident. You don't gotta yell into the mic about it and we don't need to hear your voice crack while trying to get every last cuss word in that you learned off watching sensored FOX TV shows on Sunday. Also please for the love of God and all things holy do not try to ake friends with everyone when the game is loading. We don't need to know shit about you and all we want to do is play the game and maybe talk to let you know where the enemy is or if a gun they need is nearby.
There are some y'alls age that know better than that and I salute you all. You know that your hear to play the game and not to whine and bitch.
i lol'ed at the pic.