
Age 35, Male



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PIC revised

Posted by eightball6219 - June 11th, 2009

I tweeked my last picture to make it more for the Brotherhood as a whole as a detachment walks from the DC ruins. The tank is a old M60 that i figured would be more appropriate to the setup

For BROTHERHOOD ONLY: Rabid-Monkey101 wants to know if any other Brotherhood owns or plays Counter-Strike.

PIC revised


FIRST COMMENT :D nice awesome pic


not as good as the first, sorry to say.

Really? I know I messed up on the mask, but..eh whatever. Thanks anyway

kid fallout 3 wwas good but not that greaat you frogot about oblivion, bioshock was good but not all that good. gears of war 1 was ok and gears 2 sucks, assassins creed sucks way to boring and long and boring. star wars is boring and garbage. what ever timeslitters is? gta get very boring after 2 seconds and gt4 was the worst one. halo 1 sucked halo 2 good halo good. i hate how kids rate a game on online play. halo 3 campain was boring and sucked all it has is online play that makes it an ok game. you are judging a game thats on ps1 your only say they suck because of the graphics and that mean your opinion isnt valid. metal gear solid is great but none of the games you have said are even in ff7 league. the game has no challenge it has no games to compare to. its the one and only game that you can say is the best video game of all time. final fantasy 7 is the best video game to ever be made why do you think people are still paying hundreds of dollars to buy it. no one cares about zelda or any other game like that.

1. I'm not talking about graphics, I go by a genuine good game with a good story, character development and either great weapons, muliplayer or both.
2. Play TImesplitters. The guys who made Goldeneye for the N64 did that game.
4. Star Wars ain't garbage and at least has a more believe story and weapons than FF7 (A shrimpy blonde stick holding a sword the weight of a preteen? I don't think so)
4. Halo has more than Final Fantasy can ever have. Also at least it's easier to understand. Are they in a steampunk world or a futuristic Japan? make up their damn minds!
5.Gears 2 was fucking awsome. Loved the gameplay, the story, Dom's development and recovery over the loss of his wife. Not to mention a Chainsaw rifle beats that crappy sword anyday
6. I hate Zelda games so don't even go there
7.Who the fuck are you calling a kid? I'm 19 years old, a student at ODU and a contracted ROTC cadet with a set contract to graduate as a 2nd Lieutenant. I saw your pick off your emo girlfriends profile and you sir look like the kid and only little kids fued over if FF is better than Zelda or if Zelda is better than FF.

i have played and beat fallout 3 and will play it again bc i just got the pitt and operation anchorage stuff. but when i downloaded it to my harddrive my saves dissapered i have to start all over pissed me off. i have 1000/1000 in it. and yet i would rather buy a ff7 and buy a ps2 and a memory card and play that instead of fallout 3. its the best game ever my friend.

FF7 will never be the better one. 007 Goldeneye, Super Mario World 3, UN Squadron, and the first MK are all way better.

i am a proud member of the colbert nation. i have his book its a great book i have seen the 2 episodes of this tour in iraq good stuff. i see your pretty cool i wont make a big fight scene bc we like some things like stephen colbert fallout 3 metal gear solid n others. but itsnt life great that we can have different opinions and like different things.

You've already insulted me by thinking I'm a fucking kid. Already been through that fucking age and hated it (too many traps to make them lose their money on cheap cards and other shit). Always good to meet another Colbert Nation, though

haha only pussy go to ROTC they cant handle anyhting real. go join the marines then ill have some respect.
1. gears of war 2 online play sucks, the game is just boring. how does he lose his wife and not even cry or get upset he barley showed and emotion the game sucks so many gltiches in both. gear of war is boring and crappy.
2. halo 3 is cool i like it but it has nothing on ff7. the story line is awesome the gameplay is awesome and the game is alot better hten anyhting you said.
3.golden eye sucked. i wont een try it now tha toyu said that.
3. ill give you a real list

oblivion elder scrolls iv
infinite undiscovery
star ocean
lost odesey
fallout 3
i dont need to go on and on and on about the great RPGS.

The only three I agree with is Fallout 3, Oblivion and Bioshock. The others either just don't make sense or are ridiculously fictional because of that whole Japanese anime stuff.
Pay your respects to Goldeneye. That was the pinnacle of multiplayer gaming of its time

And what's wrong with ROTC? mabye I wanted to go to college and be able to serve when I get out?

do you have xbox??? if so whats you gamertag?????? im gonna add you mayybe we can play somethng sometime.

gamertag is my negrounds profile. What gives you the right to insult the Army with service men and women oversees fighting?

I will tell you FF7 was good well the one for the PSP was good.

but star ocean and some other RPG take it to far with the whole what then make a move I want to hit them now.

sadly with out xbox live I done every thing in fallout so now I geting bored with it now I have to go buy some new games any thoughts?

I forgot to say no tank please that dont work with the brotherhood thing.
put a robot in the drawing or amke on of a goul,outcast,super muntants, or a wastlander. please!

Watch clips from Fallout Tactics. They have tanks, plus with Liberty Prime don, we're going to need all the armor we can get

I just followed a troll chain!

i have a new post and news for yu :3

nice I like this one better, but whats with the loin cloth?

I have this old pic for the Knights Templar and I've always liked the TEmplars and the BRotherhood reminds me of them

I agree with peacefulsniper on his opinions of Assassin's Creed and Bioshock. Assassin's Creed got too repetetive and the gameplay of Bioshock basically was fetch this and fetch that. But back on subject, I dig the new sketch. The tank looks a bit funny but it fits.

M60, great model of tank

Wow, you showed peacefulsniper... Nice!

HE's a dick. He said he doesn't respect the military, except when they are protecting him. What a douche

I have to say the best game made to date is indeed Super Mario 3. The best rpg in gaming history is of course Final Fantasy VII. But the best 3-D game that truly innovated is Super Mario 64. Halo 3's campaign wasn't all too weak but I was disappointed with the game as a whole. I'm very sorry but I seriously doubt Final Fantay VII is the best game ever made. It is definately up there with the greats but it can never be what Super Mario 3 ever was. You both make her valid points and don't be offended for these are just my honest opinions.

IT's not that, I agree about Super Mario 3, I just think the Final Fantasies are far away from the greatest. They're good, but there are tons of titles that are better than them

Ya know what, lets shove peacefuldumbcrap into Iraq and see if he can protect himself, huh?

I like it. Crate him up and send him over and no weapon for him either

I respect the military but I would never entertain the idea of joining it. But my brother will be joining the marines soon and I have to encourage him. It's my duty as a brother and I respect his decisions.

That's honorable man. Give my congrats to him

I'm fine with if you don't want to be in the army, but if you have no respect for them even know theyre getting killed for our freedom, then that person should go into Iraq.

I know. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but if I go, then I go to Iraq. Orders are orders

your mom sucked my dick yesterday

THat's not possible. Naruto fags have no dicks

Are you sure that wasn't your own dad? God damn. Newfaggots get worse each day. STFU AND GTFO

Let the Naruto fag be. He's already a embarassment to his family

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