so as I'm trying to complete the latest match up, keep up with school , get to the gym and still kick ass in Call of Duty MOD2, I made this in my freetime, plus added two new "Gentlemen" pics to Encyclopedia Dramatica (Look for "Look Sir, droids" and "Ramirez").
I can't find one torrent of Photoshop that downloads and works, so at this point I'm about to give up the search. Still got SAI though
EDIT: Okay so my computer is in the shop and I'm using a loaner, which probably means I will lose my computer and the projects i was working on, so...fuck.
i thought this would be about ass play for sum reesonz
I kinda thought about how I worded it after I posted, but then again I'm in one of those "meh, who gives a flying fuck" moods. No offense if any was taken