LISTEN UP PEOPLE: You all who are like ol'AlbinoTitan (aka. Albinoshit, Albinobitch, AlbinoCunt, and other other cuss word inserted where Titan was supposed to be) get the fuck out of here. People come here to share ideas, meet friends and have a good laugh. If you're here to make someone feel like shit then go stick your head up your ass and go fall into the nearest pit of acid and...well you can fill in the rest. Oh and if you're offended by it then TOO FUCKING BAD. I'M NINETEEN AND I GOT FREE OF SPEECH AND THE REST OF THE BILL OF RIGHTS BACKING ME UP!
I'm tired of this shit. pg/badluck.swf
Power to the people, not the D00SHBAGS
Way to express opinion.
Thank ya
I've been told I should be a lawyer, but I don't think I could deal with argue with someone who has the same mindset as I do: That I'm always right.