
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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Pretty good!

WHat programs did you use?

Just Gimp. I drew the Grey Knight, then scanned it in.

Sex? On my internets?

Oh its been there

nice but needs a back ground kindy like this grey knight
<a href="http://media.moddb.com/images/members/1/282/281626/Gk2.jpg">http://media.moddb.com/images/members /1/282/281626/Gk2.jpg</a>
<a href="http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/036/d/a/Commission___Grey_Knight_by_turin_the_forsaken.jpg">http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs15/f/200 7/036/d/a/Commission___Grey_Knight_by _turin_the_forsaken.jpg</a>
or mabye
<a href="http://hippiefreak12.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/light_of_the_emperor_by_kingmong.jpg">http://hippiefreak12.files.wordpress.
com/2009/03/light_of_the_emperor_by_k ingmong.jpg</a>
<a href="http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/106/files2/80262_1.jpg">http://screenshots.filesnetwork.com/1 06/files2/80262_1.jpg</a>
fallout grey knights
<a href="http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/5579-3-1240024378.JPG">http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/im ages/5579-3-1240024378.JPG</a>


dont grey knights carry around holy books I dont see one on him

not all., but the holy book it on the shoulders I just didn't add definition.

I need to get tested. Too much sex on mah webs.

HA HA! Internet gynocologist


Sure they are, especially that episode of Chapelle Show when he made a ghetto verison of Sesame Street and had STD muppets

did you know they are making a warhammer 40k MMORPG.

Get the fuck out, really?!?

ya they have been indevelopment.
<a href="http://warhammer40konline.net/">http://warhammer40konline.net/</a>
fan page
when the hell does warhammer 40k space marines come out damn it

^ Agreed; saw it and it looked kickass.
Also: Spiffy arts. Why not in art portalz?

Also also: Portal's not letting me get scouted. Sad Face.

Also also also: New art on my part + New userpic. Happehfaic.

Great user pic!
Can't get this into the art portal cause I got no one to scout me...oh well if I get scouted then it'll happen

<a href="http://xrayvision.today.com/files/2009/03/space-marine-comic-warhammer-40k.jpg">http://xrayvision.today.com/files/200 9/03/space-marine-comic-warhammer-40k .jpg</a>
<a href="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs11/f/2007/118/2/e/Warhammer_40k_Cover_by_torei.jpg">http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs11/f/200 7/118/2/e/Warhammer_40k_Cover_by_tore i.jpg</a>
<a href="http://api.ning.com/files/xmEbxs76tlXb8OEjUUJcmKuh850CdefdSZAj1ox96dv9NJZmSswg4Jb654NBZiq9QiG5vi4">http://api.ning.com/files/xmEbxs76tlX b8OEjUUJcmKuh850CdefdSZAj1ox96dv9NJZm Sswg4Jb654NBZiq9QiG5vi4</a>*8KwOzxVLKlR6EF7xPhM*KFis/gloryindeat h_1_7.jpg
just a few victory pics over chaos nothing more
<a href="http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/3/33400/1040488-warhammer_40000_space_marine_20090527040214625_000_super.jpg">http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/3/
33400/1040488-warhammer_40000_space_m arine_20090527040214625_000_super.jpg </a>
that looks like a beast cover
<a href="http://www.gamesradar.com/f/warhammer-40000-online/a-20080502174245201051">http://www.gamesradar.com/f/warhammer -40000-online/a-20080502174245201051</a>
wahammer 40k online

Love that Templar pic.

thats funny I was going to have a request for you to draw me a pic of a grey knight for my new main image.
seems you did that for your self all ready.

funny how things work out

so whats left of the brotherhood?

Not much from our former glory, but then again newgrounds doesn't need it anymore. Nothing much happens anyway. It's too peaceful like after you finish Fallout 3 and all the DLC's main missions.

Whoa nice knight dude! I really adore knights!

Well thank you good sir

I think I bored of fallout I have 1 dlc left it's fucked up so It just got boring after that.
well time for warhammer 40k to shine
so can I get a grey knight pic. please its a fan request.

I'll work on one tonight. You want it for a profile pic, right?

yes sir.
do you have a PSP?

Not anymore. My little brother busted it when I was at college trying to figure out how to play GTA

I've got this game final fantasty dissidia it awesome not like other FF game not turn based live action runing on wall, air battles, all the main heros and villians of the FF series, and hell you got to play it to know how good it is.

Eh...I've never liked final fantasy. I'm more of the run n gun type or commanding of giant ass future armies, like Empire at War and Dawn of War

I understand but I was just says this was a game awesome for the battle sword and magic gamers.
ever played warhammer 40k sqaud command for the PSP?
or warhammer 40k fire warrior for the PS2 and xbox?

I did play fire warrior, but didn't hear about that squad command game

Hmm. Had no idea Warhammer was such serious business...

THe games are. The actual di cast model game is too much for me (money wise and people too. Honestly some of those guys just creep the fuck right ot of me).

I mean warhammer 40k has alot of games
warhammer 40k dawn of war
warhammer 40k dawn of war: winter assault
warhammer 40k dawn of war: dark crusade
warhammer 40k dawn of war: soulstorm
warhammer 40k dawn of war 2
warhammer 40k fire warrior
warhammer 40k sqaud command
warhammer 40k space marine
note they all start with warhammer 40k.(realy we never knew that)
whos the most unpopular race?any one.

eh...probably the dark eldar and sisters of battle. Those two have on;y been in one game

they got a few old ones but they are well just horrible.

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