
Age 35, Male



Drinking...AND PURGING

Joined on 3/16/09

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T3h boondocks?

Yeah. I love that show because they make fun of both white and black by portraying them with their steriotypes. if you can't laugh at a good joke, then don't watch (not you specifically) and it's not racist. It's only racist when you laugh at a joke (for example) about the African-AMerican community, but say a joke about the Mexicans is just wrong.

Yea but do have in mind that some of the people who try to stop it are push overs like MercMax (not trying to pick on you but it is true)
He trying to help because he said to me that you to could become good friends if two were to stop fighting.

MercMax is cool. I don't see him going troll because he has a lot more sense than 51430.

As long as there are people like you, there will always be us, always. Why? We represent intelligence with human nature. We laugh at you because we are human. We laugh at you because we are intelligent.

Yeah...you keep thinking that. People like Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates have nothing on you guys they don't use 4chan, but you do making you intelligent motherfuckers. Dumbass

Also; If you're going to fight 4chan and the trolls, then don't use our memes.

Don't you people ever go to bed...or get drunk???

It matters how you look at intelligence realy.
some see it as how you act.
some see it as how good you are with numbers and remembering thing.
then people think that people like dawnofstar is smart because he knows alot about games.
and there is about 100 more I could add.

Why do assholes keep comming and posting shit? I don't go to other peoples posts and start talking shit. I don't know why but all the jackass seem to keep comming here or to mine. what the hell did I ever post ssomething saying all dumbass welcome here, make a stupid comment to prove how dumb you are? No and I'm sick of dumbass's that think that they know everything when they really don't know shit. They like to tell people what to do and how to behave, but then they don't follow there own rules. How the hell can you tell someone to do and then not be willing to follow to follow you own advice? These people only show us how stupid they really are. Only a fool will say that he knows everything, a wise man will say nothing for he knows that it is impossible to know everything.
And just incase you all you assholes out there still don't, I'll make it simpler for you "SHUT THE HELL UP AND STOP PROVEING TO US HOW DUMB YOU REALLY ARE"! You need to get a life and practice what you preach fool.

Oh shit whitewolf3307 you are realy anger.
Take a moment and calm down.
so way dont we just ignore them if it shows how dumb they are.

I have always hated people like that!

lol, nice dude. =D

Let me tell you something about NG. It started off with clubbing innocent penguins and killing Britney Spears. Then we have Pico, a parody of school shootings. Then we have the main joke here, Cock Jokes.

You bitch and moan about trolls, amirite? Well guess what? NEWGROUNDS IS A TROLL SITE. All you're doing is pissing in a sea of piss, that's why we're not deleted, that's why we're able to do what we do.

Face the truth, Thomas Fulp, the creator of Newgrounds, is a troll and Newgrounds is the domain proving that.

More 4chan bullsit, huh? Funny. Another series of complete bullshit throw together to make bullshit. And if Tom Fulp is a Troll how come you don't see himdoing this? Because he has way more respect for his clients so that they'll come back and telltheir friends about it so they'll join and hopefully buy the merchandise. That's buisness my retarded friend and if he acted like a complete dumbass (like you) quote 4chan then newgrounds would not be a world wide success.

who's a grateful noob? you are!

Indeed. I am grateful.

What? You don't know? Stephen King and Bill Gates support Anon.

Also Shoop Da Whoop, Made in 4chan. Stupid Hypocrite.

Who gives a shit? And I Stephen Hawking, not Stephen King you dumbass.
Internet cracker, you gay

You call yourselves freedom fighters? HA! Who stood to liberate the Blacks in Habbo Hotel? We did. Who stood in front of the Seintology Orgs to free people from a fake religion? We did. Who stands up with Truth? We do.

All you do is BAW and make the honorable job of troll hard. The only thing you are worth is the fact that you're a lolcow. That's all you do. Make us laugh with the stupidity of you and your actions. We laugh at you because you think you're the good guy.

Fucktard. Learn2internet.

So you think that saving some guy's character from a online game and stopping a ficticious internet cult is a honorable job, huh? Sounds like a load of bullshit to me. And if you're going to leave a actual response then try real words and the dumb shit you learned off the internet, dumbass.

Or you could continue to list all of your bullshit accomplishments. I'm texting them out right now. Who knows, maybe you'll win fag of the century? You're pretty close to beating 51430!

Still up there.

AN dI'm not going to "learn2internet" because that's not a real education. That's just dumbshit that you nerds, geeks, spazzes and overall dumbasses do because you have nothing better.

Oh I'm series out that list of bullshit accomplishments. Please continue to list them. I sure saving people fro the Habbo Hotel takes priority over the troops serving in Iraq, the fight against Somalian Pirates, Green Peace and PeTA. Maybe you should get a Noble Peace Prize over the guy who goig to come up with the source of energy that will save the planet. You have so much to be proud of. Dumbass

A) Iraq is only a waste of taxes.
B) Pirates? They're are thousands, no, MILLIONS of them and the Govt. ain't doing shit.
C) You want to say that 4chan is small. We're fucking legion, with 5.3 million strong.

5.3 million queers is more like.
Oh and say Iraq is a waste to the men serving there and see what they do. Hell say that to the Master Sergant that was a ROTC instructor here that lost his thumbs and most of his hearing to a explosion that caught him while saving a fellow soldier.

And that doesn't make you look good, it makes you look like a ass. Way to go dumbass.

See? Useless causalities. Ask any person with sense, it's a war for oil, not terror. If we actually wanted to fight the war on terror, then Osama would be caputed 7-8 years ago.

Useless casualties?!? That man saved is officer and he didn't die, he just can't go active duty anymore! And you knwo what someone has to step in a fight these son's of bitches after what they did in 9/11, plus they tried that shit earlier before George W Bush with that bomb at the basement of the World Trade Center! It's people like you who are ruining this country. What are saying that after a attack that cost the lives of thousands of civilains should go without a response? That we shoudl just take it like your mom does? If you don't like it then move out of the states to a country that gives a damn about your stance on the war

In a confirmed report, the terrorists were from Iran, Afghanistan, and one form Jordan. No Iraqis. Moron.

(sigh)...Iraq was supporting them with weapon sales, faggot. Iran will probably next becasue of their continued support and nuclear progrma (if there is one). A reckless country like them does not deserve one because it'll be like a kid with a BB gun. Someone's eye will be shot.

For the future, stick to your 4chan bullshit and don't try to talk politics you fourteen year old pussy.

eightball don't waste you time there is no cure for stupidity. They just should not be allowed to breed so the gean is not pasted down and leave us paying for them to be on foodstamps.

I know, but it pisses me off. I can't stand when people talk shit about the military. They say these guys fight a pointless war, but they don't know is that men volunteer for service. There's no draft telling them to and when it comes to orders they take it salute and do their duty.

I've been raised in the militray lifestyle. It paid for the house I've lived in, the food I ate, the clothes I wore and now it's paying for college and I'll serve to give back to it. My father served in Somalia and my grandfather served in Korea. Both of them did it willingly and actually my Grandfather joined before he was old enough because he wanted to be apart of something big and protect the nation.

I can tell your getting your ass kicked by numerous people again.

nope, how bout you? Getting banned again?

I'm just trying to be a father,
Raise a daughter and a son,
Be a lover to their mother,
Everything to everyone.
Up and at 'em bright and early,
I'm all business in my suit,
Yeah, I'm dressed up for success from my head down to my boots,
I don't do it for the money, there's bills that I can't pay,
I don't do it for the glory, I just do it anyway,
Providing for our future's my responsibility,
Yeah I'm real good under pressure, being all that I can be,
And I can't call in sick on Mondays when the weekend's been too strong,
I just work straight through the holidays,
And sometimes all night long.
You can bet that I stand ready when the wolf growls at the door,
Hey, I'm solid, hey I'm steady, hey I'm true down to the core,
And I will always do my duty, no matter what the price,
I've counted up the cost, I know the sacrifice,
Oh, and I don't want to die for you,
But if dying's asked of me,
I'll bear that cross with honor,
'Cause freedom don't come free.
2x-I'm an American soldier, an American,
Beside my brothers and my sisters I will proudly take a stand,
When liberty's in jeopardy I will always do what's right,
I'm out here on the front lines, sleep in peace tonight.
American soldier, I'm an American,
An American,
An American Soldier

check this out
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJiNiIsX5Lo&feature=related">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJiNiI sX5Lo&feature=related</a>


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